Consulting Services
For the Practitioner:
Advanced Ultrasound Consultants provides on-site
detailed consulting services locally as well as nationally to physicians and other practitioners involved in the diagnosis
and treatment of venous disease.
Advanced Ultrasound Consultants provides complete practice direction from
purchasing ultrasound equipment, laser and/or radiofrequency generator
aquisition, setting up the office suite for vein therapy procedures, optimizing sonographer
potential, implementing protocols, policies and procedures and all necessary worksheets needed for
a successful practice performing Radiofrequency, Laser and Ultrasound Guided Sclerotherapy. Advanced Ultrasound Consultants
provides unique comprehensive assistance with ultrasound guided vein therapy procedures (Radiofrequency
and Laser thermoablation, perforator closure, ultrasound guided sclerotherapy) to physicians that are incorporating and/or
providing vein therapy in their practice. From
setting up the case, including sterile preparation of the patient and table set-up, Advanced Ultrasound Consultants strives
to optimize physician time to minimize down-time and increase revenue.
For the Sonographer:
Advanced Ultrasound
Consultants provides detailed venous insufficiency ultrasound exams and offers
on-site sonographer training with in-depth instruction in pre-treatment duplex evaluations. The
use of ultrasound to assist in vein (GSV/SSV/Perforator) thermoablation differs vastly from traditional scanning. Not
only is the superficial systems an intricate system in itself, the scanning nuances of vein therapy assistance are
difficult. From identifying "new" landmarks we are not used to, to proper guidance for the physician's vein
access, perivenous tumescent and catheter / laser guidance and manipulation. With nearly 15,000 assisted thermoablation
cases, Doug Marcum and Advanced Ultrasound Consultants can provide you with the "tricks-of-the-trade" necessary
to assure successful ultrasound assistance.
Advanced Ultrasound Consultants' On-Site Vein Therapy Workshop provides continuing education and training
to physicians, sonographers, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners with hands-on-training in diagnosing and assisting
in the evaluation and treatmment of venous insufficiency in the deep, superficial, perforating and varicose veins.